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Technological Innovations for Safety

Safe, Smart Cities

Our cities face various security challenges, from new types of crime and nuisance to large crowds. Digitalisation offers many opportunities for maintaining a safe living environment, so we are also seeing a rise in sensors and cameras in the urban landscape.

The use of technology in the city offers opportunities to increase safety but does not yet create a Smart, Secure Society. For each innovation, we must assess whether it complies with our laws and values. It is a balancing act between what is technically possible and what is socially acceptable. Let us keep in mind that technology is a tool, and safety is the goal.

That is precisely what the Impact Coalitie Safety & Security (ICSS) is focused on. Our goal? To leverage technological innovations for a safer urban environment, always with respect for our societal values, privacy, and ethics.

The power and necessity of collaboration should not be underestimated. No municipality or police unit can tackle these challenges alone. By sharing knowledge and innovating together, we can find scalable solutions that work for all of us

Our mission

Joining forces to effectively deploy smart technology and digitalisation for safe and livable cities. We aim for scalable and economically sustainable solutions, actively sharing and utilising the results and lessons learned.

Current focus themes

  • Crowd Management
  • Information-driven security
  • Securing and monitoring public spaces

    Emphasis is placed on the cyber security of the smart city infrastructure and social values associated with the development of innovations, such as privacy and ethics.

What is the ICSS?

  • A partnership involving municipalities, the police, research institutions, and businesses, backed by the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) and Security Delta (HSD).
  • A network that shares lessons learned and wants to make proven innovative solutions successful (implementation and scaling up).

    (Please find reports on this website and Programmes & Projects (in Dutch) illustrating lessons learned and innovative solutions from Dutch cities.
  • The ICSS serves as a catalyst and agenda-setting organisation among cities, enabling the deployment of innovations in smart cities to improve safety and security.
  • A public-driven initiative that works towards safer cities and preconditions for scalable solutions. Chaired by the Municipality of The Hague and with representatives of the VNG, municipalities including Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Apeldoorn, Almere, the police, and HSD.
  • An active community, keeping cities safe and making smart secure.

How can ICSS help you?

  • Use each other’s experimentation space and network
  • Focus collaboration on innovation and scaling up
  • Active sharing of knowledge and experience
  • Joint programming and (inter)national profiling

Get in contact!

If you would like more information or want to get in contact with the Impact Coalitie Safety & Security (ICSS), please send an email to [email protected]
